
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Submission P2 Deadline 07.06.21 07.06.21 No 
Release of Material H Material Release 2 31.05.21 N/A Yes 
Office Hour Tutorial-OH Discord 3 27.05.21 27.05.21 No 
Live Event Live Event Zoom 1 27.05.21 27.05.21 No 
Release P3 Project Release 27.05.21 N/A Yes 
deadline A2 Deadline 27.05.21 27.05.21 No 
Release of Material G Material Release 2 24.05.21 N/A Yes 
Tutorial Tutorial-OH Discord 3 20.05.21 20.05.21 No 
Live Event Live Event Zoom 1 20.05.21 20.05.21 No 
Release A2 Assignment Release 20.05.21 20.05.21 No 
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