Upcoming Colloquia and Tutorials
Written on 23.04.2022 21:51 by Felix Freiberger
Dear students,
on the upcoming Monday or Tuesday, you will have your first colloquium which covers the assignments of training sheet A (and secret questions on the topics of unit A). Please bring your solutions to the assignments to your colloquium. We will do an ID check in the first colloquium, so please bring your student ID with you. You can find your colloquium time slot, tutor and room on your personal status page. If your colloquium is online, please join our Discord server and join an audio channel in the Work Zone. To check your ID, it is necessary that you join with a working camera. Please be on time to avoid delays for later groups.
On Wednesday, the first tutorials will take place. If your tutorial takes place in presence, please come to room 107 in E1 3. We will divide you into groups and assign you a tutor there. If your tutorial is online, please join this Zoom room.
If you have any (organizational) questions, please use the forum.
Kind regards,
Your Concurrent Programming Team