Results of Exam A & Project Bonuses
Written on 10.08.2022 14:54 by Felix Freiberger
Dear Students,
you can now find the results of exam A on your personal status page. You have passed the exam if you have obtained at least 31.5 points (which corresponds to 50% of the points measuring your performance, plus the 3 points from checking “no answer” in the last exercise).
In case it is definite that you have passed the course (i.e. you have passed exams T and A and have already completed the project), a grade for the entire course is calculated from the sum of points obtained in exams T and A using this grade scale. You can find your grade on your personal status page, too.
If you have obtained bonus points through the bonus exercises, they have been included in this sum.
In addition, we are happy to announce that the following project groups have been awarded a bonus 🎉:
- cringe wer schon fertig ist 💩
- Laberabarber
- salty sorcerer
- simulated sinners
Congratulations to them!
For these groups, an additional 5 bonus points (equivalent to one step in the grade scale) have been added as well.
We will announce a date for the exam inspection soon.
Kind regards,
Your Concurrent Programming Team