
To provide some insight into the topics covered in the seminar, we provide a subset of past papers and their abstracts (brief summaries of the papers) here. Note that this list does not necessarily or sufficiently reflect the papers included in this iteration.

Algebraic Graphs with Class

The paper presents a minimalistic and elegant approach to working with graphs in Haskell. It is built on a rigorous mathematical foundation — an algebra of graphs — that allows us to apply equational reasoning for proving the correctness of graph transformation algorithms. Algebraic graphs let us avoid partial functions typically caused by ‘malformed graphs’ that contain an edge referring to a non-existent vertex. This helps to liberate APIs of existing graph libraries from partial functions.
The algebra of graphs can represent directed, undirected, reflexive and transitive graphs, as well as hypergraphs, by appropriately choosing the set of underlying axioms. The flexibility of the approach is demonstrated by developing a library for constructing and transforming polymorphic graphs.

A poor man's concurrency monad

Without adding any primitives to the language, we define a concurrency monad transformer in Haskell. This allows us to add a limited form of concurrency to any existing monad. The atomic actions of the new monad are lifted actions of the underlying monad. Some extra operations, such as fork , to initiate new processes, are provided. We discuss the implementation, and use some examples to illustrate the usefulness of this construction.

Every Bit Counts

We show how the binary encoding and decoding of typed data and typed programs can be understood, programmed, and verified with the help of question-answer games. The encoding of a value is determined by the yes/no answers to a sequence of questions about that value; conversely, decoding is the interpretation of binary data as answers to the same question scheme.
We introduce a general framework for writing and verifying game-based codecs. We present games for structured, recursive, polymorphic, and indexed types, building up to a representation of well-typed terms in the simply-typed λ-calculus. The framework makes novel use of isomorphisms between types in the definition of games. The definition of isomorphisms together with additional simple properties make it easy to prove that codecs derived from games never encode two distinct values using the same code, never decode two codes to the same value, and interpret any bit sequence as a valid code for a value or as a prefix of a valid code.

Fun with Semirings

Describing a problem using classical linear algebra is a very wellknown problem-solving technique. If your question can be formulated as a question about real or complex matrices, then the answer can Functional Pearl: Streams and Unique Fixed Pointsoften be found by standard techniques.
It’s less well-known that very similar techniques still apply where instead of real or complex numbers we have a closed semiring, which is a structure with some analogue of addition and multiplication that need not support subtraction or division.
We define a typeclass in Haskell for describing closed semirings, and implement a few functions for manipulating matrices and polynomials over them. We then show how these functions can be used to calculate transitive closures, find shortest or longest or widest paths in a graph, analyse the data flow of imperative programs, optimally pack knapsacks, and perform discrete event simulations, all by just providing an appropriate underlying closed semiring.

Streams and Unique Fixed Points

Streams, infinite sequences of elements, live in a coworld: they are given by a coinductive data type, operations on streams are implemented by corecursive programs, and proofs are conducted using coinduction. But there is more to it: suitably restricted, stream equations possess unique solutions, a fact that is not very widely appreciated. We show that this property gives rise to a simple and attractive proof technique essentially bringing equational reasoning to the coworld. In fact, we redevelop the theory of recurrences, finite calculus and generating functions using streams and stream operators building on the cornerstone of unique solutions. The development is constructive: streams and stream operators are implemented in Haskell, usually by one-liners. The resulting calculus or library, if you wish, is elegant and fun to use. Finally, we rephrase the proof of uniqueness using generalised algebraic data types.

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