
Exam Relevance of Today's Lecture (and Evaluation)

Written on 08.07.2024 17:45 by Sarah Sterz

Hello everybody,

Due to technical issues in the Günter Hotz lecture hall, the audio of the lecture was recorded improperly. I only have audio available from the moment I started a manual recording on my phone. Therefore, only the second half of the lecture is available as a video.

  • For the first part that is not available as a video, only the slides are relevant for the exam, not what I said during the lecture.
  • For the second part that is available as a video, also the video and what I said during the lecture are relevant for the exam.

I apologize for the inconvenience!

Also, lecture evaluations are currently ongoing. If you want to rate the lecture and have not done so already, please go here:
I would appreciate a lot if you could tell the evaluation office how you feel about Ethics for Nerds.

Best wishes,

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