
Fix My Assignment Session on Friday

Written on 05.06.2024 14:07 by Sarah Sterz

Friday will be the deadline for the current project phase. Those who have last minute questions can go to the Fix My Assignment Session on Friday. There, you will get help with checking the validity of your argument and making sure likely that your assignment will get a pass. The Fix My Assignment Session will take place in room 107 in E1 3 from 11:00 to 13:00. The timing is such that you can join even if you have a lecture in the morning or at noon.

Edit: I formulated my message a bit misleadingly, sorry about that! There will not be hard guarantees for passes in the Fix My Assignment Session, since passes are only decided during the actual correction of the assignment. But Yannic, who will lead the session, will be able to give you a very good idea if your assignment is done well enough yet such that it will get a pass, and he will be able to help you improve in case it still has major issues. (Also, expect some waiting times during Fix My Assignment.)

Best wishes,

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