
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Exam Exam online 25.08.21 N/A Yes 
Fronleichnam Public Holiday 03.06.21 N/A Yes 
Kick-Off Meeting Live Event in the university's MS Teams 14.04.21 14.04.21 No 
Last-Minute Essay Office Hour Office Hour Microsoft Teams 30.07.21 30.07.21 No 
Last-Minute Exam Office Hour Office Hour Microsoft Teams 23.08.21 23.08.21 No 
Last-Minute Re-Exam Office Hour Office Hour Microsoft Teams 21.09.21 21.09.21 No 
Late Deadline for Assignment 1 (-30%) Late Deadline 25.07.21 N/A Yes 
Late Deadline for Assignment 2 (-30%) Late Deadline 25.07.21 N/A Yes 
Nerd Night Nerd Night wonder.me (link will be provided) 27.07.21 27.07.21 No 
Nerd Night Nerd Night wonder.me (link will be provided) 19.07.21 19.07.21 No 
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