
Grouping Process (important!)

Written on 21.04.2021 12:35 by Sarah Sterz

Hello everybody,

Apparently, there has been some confusion over the grouping process.

You need to be in a group in order to get the exam admisson. Check on your personal status page in the dcms whether you are in a group and whether you are in the group that you want to be in. If anything is wrong, please send me an email by the end of tomorrow.

You will receive an email by the end of this week with the email adresses of your team mates. This way, you can get in contact with the other team members in case that you did not already find each other via MS Teams.

Speaking of MS Teams: The implementation of MS Teams is very suboptimal. Some of you have a private channel in our team, but MS Teams does not allow for more than 30 private channels in one team. So, some of you will have to use a private chat outside of the team. (But, as far as we can tell, these does not lack any of the functionalites that a private channel has.)

Best wishes,

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