
Essay and Exam

Written on 15.08.2021 21:32 by Sarah Sterz

Essay Results

We just uploaded the essay results! Please make sure to check out your individual feedback on your personal status page.

Congratulations to everybody who has passed! We read many great essays and were able to give out more bonuses than ever before this year. Well done! 👏

But maybe a word of warning: with the correction of the essays we are usually more relaxed than with the corrections of the actual exams. If you, for example, were sloppy in the application of a moral theory in your essay we charitably read over that, but we will not be able to do the same in the exam – just so you cannot say that you have not been warned.

Exam Registration (super important!)

Now that you know whether you are admitted, you have to make sure that you register properly! For most of you, this will mean that you have to register in the LSF. If you are not properly registered, we are not allowed to have you write the exam!

Also, please register in the dcms on your personal status page. You will only be able to upload your solution if you are properly registered.

Other Exam Stuff

If you did not see it already, there is an Exam FAQ in the dcms. Also, I have uploaded a mock exam from 2020 in the materials. It was not a take-home exam, so expect our exam to be considerably different.

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