
Ethics in the wild #12 – Newsletter on moral tripwires

Written on 13.07.2021 12:16 by Ursela Barteczko

Since we assume that most of you are diligently preparing for exams, finishing up your essays and milestone quizzes, this will be the last edition of our newsletter! Here is our collection of interesting pieces of information we came across lately:

  • Probably you heard of the race to space. (Technology Review) Is this the first step to democratizing access to space or will space travel just be another status symbol for the rich? And can we travel to space sustainably? Here are some insights into that question (LA Times)

  • This article about the economy in MMO games raises some interesting questions about property and ownership in the digital world and linked to this article about venezuelans making a living with playing old video games. (

  • A chinese company (which is also affiliated with the military) is collecting data of pregnant women from around the world. At the same time the chinese government already imposed some policies to prevent data of their citizens (regarding health, but also e. g. autonomous driving) from leaving the country. (, Article in German)

  • Another interesting project is planning to implement Universal Basic Income for people around the globe, if they scan their irises. Many details are still unknown. (

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