
Project 4 Deadline Extension

Written on 17.06.2024 18:35 by Dominic Zimmer

Dear Students,

It has surfaced that some submissions to project 4α have received unjustifiable and thus incorrect verdict in the leaderboard over the past days. In many cases, this was caused by a timeout configured wrongly and thus terminating the testing prematurely.

In response to this, and in light of several students fighting the testing infrastructure over the weekend, we have decided to extend the project 4α deadline by 48 hours (two additional days) to allow everyone to react to the changes.

With immediate effect, new commits will be judged using the updated, relaxed timeout. In due course, also repositories without recent updates will automatically be reevaluated.

The extension of the deadline of milestone 4α will shift the deadline dates of project 4ω accordingly: Milestone 4ω will be unlocked on June 20 and end on June 27.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

The Programming 2 Team


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