
Assignments and Public Holiday

Written on 05.06.2023 11:01 by Sarah Sterz

Feedback uploaded

The feedback on your last two assignments has been uploaded over the weekend. Please check it out on your personal status pages.

Revise and Resubmit

If your submission says either “fail” or “revise and resubmit”, you can still get a pass by revising it and submitting it again until Monday, June 12, at 18:00.

In case you need to resubmit both Project Phase 3 and the Theories of Ethics Assignment, it will only count as one Revise and Resubmit. Please hand in both submissions in one PDF then.

Public Holiday

Next Thursday, there will not be a lecture nor a Deep Dive Session due to a public holiday (Fronleichnam). There will, however, be an online office hour in the regular slot in MS Teams for anyone with urgent questions on the current assignment. The Recap Sessions are not affected and take place as normal. This week, they are still on writing valid arguments, which is an important skill for both the assignments and the exam.

Have a nice week and enjoy the public holiday! :)

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