
Essay Results and Re-Exam

Written on 10.09.2020 13:25 by Sarah Sterz

Hello everybody,

The essay results are out now! You can see your results along with some feedback on your personal status page. If you have any questions regarding you essay, please get in contact with Sarah.


You also should be able to register in the LSF now.

If you want to participate in the re-exam:

  • Register in the LSF until Sunday (September 13), and
  • register in the dcms until Sunday (September 13).

If you want to participate in the re-exam, but do not know whether you can do so due to pandemic related issues, please

  • write Sarah an email as soon as possible (even if you are not yet sure whether you can attend or not), and
  • register for “The pandemic likely keeps me from taking the re-exam!” on your personal status page before Saturday (September 12). 
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