
Exam Seating

Written on 22.05.2024 17:45 by Felix Freiberger

Dear Students,

on Tuesday, May 28, we will write Exam T, covering units A-D. If you registered for the exam, you will find your room and seat on your personal status page. If we did not assign you a seat and you think that this is an error, please notify us immediately.
Please arrive at your assigned lecture hall no later than 10:15.

As a reminder, to assist you in the final phase before the exam and answer your last-minute questions, our tutors are offering an extended Concurrency Café XXL tomorrow (Thursday, May 23) from 14:00 in E1 1, room 407, and on Friday (May 24) from 14:00 in E1 3, SR014 (moving to E1 1, room 407 at 16:00).

Kind regards,
Your Concurrent Programming Team

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