
Results of Exam A

Written on 04.08.2023 16:38 by Maximilian Köhl

Dear Students,

You will now find the results of exam A on your personal status page. You have passed the exam if you have obtained at least 30 points. The points you obtained are the result of your performance in the exam lifted by 4 points.

We had 75 participants of which 54 made the cut. The highest score obtained is 59 out of 60.

In case it is definite that you have passed the course (i.e., you passed exams T and A and completed the project), a preliminary grade for the entire course is calculated from the sum of points obtained in exams T and A (plus any potential points from the bonus exercises) using this grade scale. In this, you can find your grade on your personal status page, too. (Any potential project bonus will be added at a later date.)

Kind regards,
Your Concurrent Programming Team

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