

Written on 26.11.2024 14:18 by Andreas Schmidt

Dear AoSCS students,

We are entering the REVIEW Phase I for Saarbrücken’s chapters.
Every student has created a branch matching their topic ID and we tagged the review commits with review-id.

Your task during the review phase is the following:

  • Check the AoSCS info page under “Topic Assignment”, where your matriculation number appears in the right “Review” column. If you are from SB, your matriculation number has two rows.
  • Go to the repository and search the respective branch(es) or tag(s).
  • If you want to see a live preview, use your local cloned repo to switch to the respective branch and preview, as you would with your own chapter.
  • Write your review into a Markdown file (.md) following our template.

Once you wrote your reviews, and want to submit them (finally) do the following:

  • If you are from SB: check on your dCMS profile page for the paper topic’s submission (you will see all, not only yours, so be careful). Upload the Markdown file there before the deadline (it might be changed until the deadline).
  • If you are from BO: send the file (named like via email to before the deadline.

Thank you and good luck with the review!

The AoSCS Team

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